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52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 5: Oops

Welcome to the fifth week of Amy Johnson Crow's genealogy challenge: writing about 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks (

Week 5: Oops

I had a hard time thinking of a topic to match this week's prompt. But this little notice in the newspaper that I found a couple of weeks ago popped into my mind.

Excerpt from The Daily Notes, Canonsburg, PA. March 2, 1936.
Accessed on

Evidently, my great-grandfather, Joe Vrana, and his sort-of brother-in-law (his wife Lillian's older sister Agnes' husband, Harry Maloy), were in a car accident together. I take this as one more bit of evidence of the interconnectedness of the various families in this area and on branches of my family tree.

Thanks for your time! What accidents or mishaps show up in your family history?
