Welcome to Week 3 of Amy Johnson Crow's genealogy challenge for the year: writing about 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks (www.amyjohnsoncrow.com).
Week 3: Out of Place
As soon as I saw the theme for this week, I knew exactly who I was going to write about. My grandma, Arlene Dolores Vrana, was MISSING in the 1940 Census!
Arlene Dolores Vrana, or Dolores as she was known, was born August 30, 1935 in Washington, Pennsylvania. Her parents were Joseph Vrana and Lillian Wisniewski. At the time of the 1940 Census, she would have been almost 5 years old.
US Census, 1940. Delliner, Dunkard Township, Green County, Pennsylvania.
As you can see, Joseph Vrana, his wife Lillian, and four sons: Joseph Jr., Raymond, Robert, and Regis are all listed in the census. But Dolores is not there. Why was she not counted and recorded? I don't think she was living with other family at the time, as she never mentioned it to me or to my mother. And she was too young to have been at a boarding school or living in another household doing domestic work, for instance.
This absence was pretty disconcerting to me, so when the 1950 Census was finally released last year, my grandma was the first person I searched. And I found her! Right where she should have been, as a teenager in her parents' home.
Check out this earlier post to read more about finding my grandma in the 1950 Census: https://lieselsfamilyhistoryfinds.blogspot.com/2022/04/1950-census-release-day-aka.html
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