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Showing posts from July, 2023

Robert Holloway: Snake Oil Salesman?

The Puskarich Public Library System in Harrison County, Ohio recently digitized it's local historical newspapers, creating the Community History Archive which is free, online, and searchable. I was so excited to delve into this new resource and see if any of my relatives are mentioned in the news. Most of my Holloways lived in Belmont and Guernsey Counties, but Harrison County borders both, and my relatives lived near the borders, so I was hopeful. So far I've found a number of articles related to collateral relatives (siblings of my direct-line ancestors, for instance). The only mention I found of my 4th great grandfather, Robert Holloway, was also my most amusing find: an advertisement from 1844: The Democratic Whig Standard And Public Advertiser, page 4. Published in Cadiz, Ohio on Saturday, November 9th, 1844. Courtesy of the Puskarich Public Library, Community History Archive. Available here: These advertisements appeared reg...