Welcome to another catch-up post for my 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks challenge ( https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/ ). Week 9: Gone Too Soon There are so many relatives in my family tree who died very young. At first I thought it would be hard to choose one to write about. For example, two of my maternal grandmother's aunts died as young women (in their 20s and 30s), leaving small children behind. Susan Wisneski died of breast cancer, and Cecelia Wisneski of a self-induced abortion (see earlier series about Cecelia and her daughters) . My Vrana/Wrona 2nd-great-grandparents lost 3 children of 6 during infancy, before they immigrated from an industrial city in what is now the Czech Republic to Pennsylvania. As part of a recent post about my Holloway direct line ancestors, my parents and I realized that my children and their cousins are the first generation of this family line who have known their Holloway grandfather personally. For every previous generation, starting with my brother and I,...
Read Along as I Share What I Learn about My Family and the Research Process