Welcome back! I've recently spent time researching my Holloway direct-line ancestors, who were Quakers in America back to Colonial times. My great-grandfather, Basil Russell Holloway, was a United Brethren Church minister and a farmer in Henry County and Huntington, Indiana. But he came from a long line of Quaker ancestors, stretching back into Ohio, Virginia, and New Jersey. Quaker records are detailed, many are transcribed and digitized, and because Quakers recorded each time a person or family moved from one "meeting" to another, it can be easier to follow families across the country through time than with some other groups. Here's the line I've confirmed so far for the Holloways (in green, with other lines and spouses in blue): From the East to Ohio George Holloway was born in Burlington, New Jersey in the early 1700s. George and his wife, Ruth Wood, had a son named Asa Holloway, who married Abigail Wright and eventually moved to Virginia, participating in th...
Read Along as I Share What I Learn about My Family and the Research Process